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Resep Membuat Roti Canai



1. Wheat flour -------------------- 1/2 kg
2. Egg ------------------------------ 2 items
3. Butter ---------------------------  5 tablespoons (thawed)
4. Sugar ---------------------------- 2 tablespoons
5. Salt ------------------------------- 1/2 teaspoon
6. Mineral water ------------------- as much as needed/sufficient
7. Cooking oil


1. Mix wheat flour, eggs, melted butter, sugar, salt mixture evenly
2. Add little by little mineral water while kneeding until smooth
3. If it is already smooth, round the dough as big as pimpong ball

4. Soak the mixture in the cooking oil until it sinks for 1 or 2 hours

5. After 2 hours, flatten the mixture until it's thin

6. Then, apply butter on the surface
7. Roll the two ends of the dough in the opposite direction

8. Pile the two opposite rolls together
9. Flatter again
10. Bake on Teflon until the color of the dough become golden brown

11. Serve with various topings according to your taste



1. Tepung terigu -------------------  1/2 kg
2. Telor ------------------------------ 2 butir
3. Mentega -------------------------- 5 sendok makan (dicairkan)
4. Gula ------------------------------- 2 sendok makan
5. Garam ----------------------------- 1/2 sendok teh
6. Air --------------------------------- secukupnya
7. Minyak makan

Cara membuat:

1. Campurkan tepung, telor, mentega cair, gula, garam dan aduk rata.
2. Tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni hingga kalis
3. Jika sudah kalis, bulat-bulatkan adonan seukuran bola pimpong
4. Rendam adonan dalam minyak makan hingga tenggelam selama 1 - 2 jam
5. Setelah 2 jam, pipihkan adonan sampai tipis
6. Lalu, oleskan mentega di atas permukaannya
7. Gulung kedua ujung adonan dengan arah yang berlawanan
8. Tumpukkan kedua gulungan yang berlawanan menjadi satu
9. Pipihkan lagi
10. Panggang di teflon sampai kuning kecoklatan
11. Hidangkan dengan berbagai toping sesuai selera

And for more detail, you can watch this video 😊

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